Sunday, December 17, 2006


Why is it that when I lay down to sleep my neighbour's dogs go beserk

Why is it that the only people who ever call me are offering me credit cards

Why is it that my friend in office only remembers when he wants me to drop him home

Why is it that nothing goes unnoticed from my eye

Why is it that I remember the bad things you have done and it kills me inside

Why is it that people can't take hints

Why is it that the person whom I love dearly doesn't reciprocrate the same way

Why is it that what I want most eludes me

Why is it that I am losing my faith in love

Why is it that the customer care lady puts on an accent and is still stupid

Why is it that people give gifts only because you gave them one

Why is it that I love Mythology and haven't done anything about it

Why is it that I am the only one who finds my violin-ing music


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why is it that u r so bitter with ur life wen u hv everything u want???

10:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And why the $%#%^# is it that you haven't returned my money...yet?

2:43 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

n why is it dat u crib so much when u hav d god gifted talent to pen ur thoughts???

8:43 PM  
Blogger Shalabh said...

Sorry dude. Shall do it ASAP!

7:20 PM  

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